The Crime Readers' Association

The Dark Horizon – Simon Hall

6th June 2014


Simon Hall is a crime writer and BBC Television Crime Correspondent based in Devon. His quirky and quintessentially English books – the tvdetective series – are about a maverick television reporter who covers crimes. All too often, though, he gets so involved in the cases, he ends up assisting the police to solve them.

The Dark Horizon

Two women on conflicting journeys slip into a spiral of bloodshed and death. A mysterious figure appears, handing out thousands of pounds to strangers and leaving behind a baffling set of clues that hint at a grand purpose. Why would a murderer not run, but instead remain in hiding close to the scene of their crime?

As a set of extraordinary clues reveals a conspiracy to destroy a skyscraper and kill thousands, a television reporter is forced to turn detective in an attempt to prevent one of the worst atrocities Britain has ever suffered… whilst finally navigating an ultimatum of his own heart.


Release date: June, 2014

Publisher: ThamesRiver Press


Some other work by the same author –


The Death Pictures

Evil Valley

The Judgment Book

The Balance of Guilt

Shadows of Justice


Profano-Meter: Mild.



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