The Crime Readers' Association

chris collettChris Collett Giveaway

17th June 2013

Chris Collett was born in East Anglia and writes a series of police procedural crime novels based in Birmingham, England featuring Detective Inspector Tom Mariner. As a special needs teacher Chris’ job brought her into contact with children and adults with autistic spectrum disorder over many years and the central idea for her first book, The Worm in the Bud, had been with her for some time. She began to write it all down and it grew into a novel around the central character DI Tom Mariner. The Worm in the Bud sees Mariner investigating the murder of a local journalist, a crime in which the sole witness is the victim’s brother, who is autistic and unable to communicate what he has seen.

We are very pleased to be able to offer this excellent giveaway to win the complete series of DI Mariner books including a copy of the brand new ‘Blood and Stone’ – to be released in July.

Closing Date: 14th July. Due to postage costs this giveaway is for UK residents only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

We are also running more giveaways over Crime Month

Afternoon tea with Peter James 

2 tickets for CSI Portsmouth

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