The Crime Readers' Association

Case Files 40

5th September 2019

Case Files issue 40 – out soon!

Case Files is an ezine that profiles new or forthcoming novels from members of the Crime Writers’ Association.
Subscribing is free – and it lets you discover which contributors in the forthcoming issue are behind these weird facts and odd confessions…

  • Which contributor travelled some one and a quarter million miles around the world when working as cabin staff?
  • Which contributor is always dealing with dead people? (She works with her local Coroner.)
  • Which contributor began her writing career as the romantic novelist Maxine Barry? (And enjoyed enormously writing about handsome men in exotic places!)
    Which contributor once convinced the officers at Aberystwyth police station to let her spend an hour locked in a cell as part of her research for a poetry project?
  • Which contributor once gave the milkman hysterics when he drove through the back of his garage by mistake when rushing off for early morning police duty?
  • Which contributor can often be found scouting the coastal paths of Southern England, looking for a good place to put a body? (She hasn’t yet been arrested.)
  • Which contributor’s best research resource was studying for her certificate in crime scene investigation and forensic pathology? (Which she passed!)
  • Which contributor has just had her first flight in an aeroplane she’s been helping to build in her garage for the past seven years?
  • Which contributor was once invited to Hollywood all expenses paid, wined and dined for seven days, then dismissed over supper in a Mexican restaurant?
  • Which contributor recently wrote a description of a character – then, just hours afterwards, encountered a man in a supermarket queue whose appearance exactly matched it? (She acknowledges, however, that ghosts seldom haunt supermarkets.)

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Chris Simms, Editor, Case Files.

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