The Crime Readers' Association

Gwenillian Williams

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Dr. G.J. Williams, like John Dee, is Welsh but raised in England. After an idyllic childhood in Somerset, where history, story- telling and adventure were part of life, a career of psychology, first in academia and then international consulting beckoned. It was some years before the love of writing returned to the forefront of life.

G.J. Williams now lives between Somerset and London and is often found writing on the train next to a grumpy cat and a cup of tea.

When not writing, life is a muddle of researching, travelling to historic sites or plotting while sailing the blue seas of the Bristol Channel on the beloved boat bequeathed by a father who always taught that history gives the gift of prediction.

G.J. Williams has one dream as a writer – to be chosen by readers who love the books of CJ Samson, SJ Parris, and Rory Clements, and to see John Dee and Margaretta enter the hearts of all who pick up The Conjuror’s Apprentice.

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