The Crime Readers' Association

Georgina Stewart

Sub-genre: , ,

I grew up near Oxford, obsessively watching Inspector Morse and its sequels and hoping to catch sight of Kevin Whately on my way to school. I studied History at the University of Cambridge, and stayed on to do an MPhil in Medieval History. After graduating, I spent eighteen months as a trainee accountant, working from home and spending my evenings reading crime novels with exotic settings to remind myself that there was a world outside of Excel and my childhood bedroom. In December 2021, I resigned in order to spend more time in my boyfriend’s native Slovenia and pursue two long term goals: learning another language properly, and writing a book. I now live in Cambridge (again) with my boyfriend and our three rescue cats, and work as a data analyst. I am drawn to crime fiction as I love reading books that feel like puzzles, and relish a satisfying ending. If I’m not reading or writing, you’ll find me hiking, crocheting or baking.

Books by Georgina Stewart

  • Death on the Adriatic Death on the Adriatic


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