The Crime Readers' Association

Daniel SmithDaniel Smith

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Daniel Smith lives in London and is the author of over thirty books on subjects as diverse as Sherlock Holmes, the Second World War ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign, serendipity and money. His crime narrative non-fiction includes ‘The Peer and the Gangster: A Very British Cover-Up’ and ‘The Ardlamont Mystery: The Real-Life Story Behind the Creation of Sherlock Holmes’. e is currently co-writing a history of the Dolphin Square apartments in Pimlico with former MP, Simon Danczuk. He has also written twelve titles in Michael O’Mara’s How to Think Like… series, as well as a series of books for Quercus (100 Places You Will Never Visit/Things You Will Never Do/Things You Will Never Find/Things They Don’t Want You to Know).

Books by Daniel Smith

  • The Peer and the Gangster The Peer and the Gangster

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  • The Ardlamont Mystery: The Real-Life Story Behind the Creation of Sherlock Holmes The Ardlamont Mystery: The Real-Life Story Behind the Creation of Sherlock Holmes

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  • Scandal at Dolphin Square: A Notorious History Scandal at Dolphin Square: A Notorious History


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