The Crime Readers' Association

J.D. PullanJ.D. Pullan

Sub-genre: , , , ,

Author of psychological suspense. J D Pullan, after a career in Finance and HR, gave up work in 2018 to concentrate on her life long love of books and creative writing.

The books she enjoys most have real-life characters in familiar locations and everyday situations. A narrative anyone can relate to, but where things aren’t always what they seem. Books that keep you intrigued, with simmering secrets and complex relationships, making you want to read just one more chapter and keep you guessing until the very end… and which make you ponder for a long time afterwards about the characters and what you would do if you were ever in the same situation.

Her debut novel I’M GOING TO FIND YOU was published in November 2021 as both a paperback and eBook and has been described as “Dripping with tension and suspense from the very beginning!” and “Every now and then you come across a book which is almost impossible to put down….and this book is one of those. It’s hard to believe this is a debut book for the author.”

Her second book, also set in the West Country, is on it’s way.


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