The Crime Readers' Association

Brian PriceBrian Price

Sub-genre: ,

Brian Price is a chemist and biologist who retired from the Environment Agency in 2016. He is the author of Crime Writing: How to write the science and runs a website offering tips on science for crime writers ( He is an avid reader of crime fiction and has also written a number of short stories, one of which was a runner up in the Weston-super-Mare Literary Festival 2019 and another was short listed in the Chorley Writers Circle competition in 2018. He taught science and technology courses for the Open University for 26 years. Previous books include P for Pollution and C for Chemicals(with Mike Birkin).

His first crime novel, Fatal Trade, is published by Hobeck Books as an ebook and paperback. The sequel, Fatal Hate was published in April 2022 and the third in the series, Fatal Dose, came out on 31st January 2023. Fatal Blow, the fourth DC Mel Cotton book, is out on 17th October 2023.

One of his short stories, The Scent of an Ending,  is included in the CWA anthology Music of the Night


Books by Brian Price

  • Fatal Blow Fatal Blow


  • Fatal Dose Fatal Dose


  • The Dark Side of Christmas (contributor) The Dark Side of Christmas (contributor)


  • Cooking the books (contributor) Cooking the books (contributor)


  • Seventy Three (contributor) Seventy Three (contributor)


  • Music of the night (contributor) Music of the night (contributor)


  • Fatal Hate Fatal Hate


  • Fatal Trade Fatal Trade


  • Crime writing: How to write the science Crime writing: How to write the science


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