The Crime Readers' Association

Bryan J Mason

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Bryan J Mason wrote his first novel, Shaking Hands with the Devil, in the late 1980s, but put it away in a drawer after his agent Carolyn Whitaker from London Independent Books narrowly failed to get it published. He sadly concluded that he was a failed author. However each time he read the manuscript he still found it exciting and funny and was sad it could not be read by others. He finally decided to redraft it, firmly placing the action in the late ʼ80s for today’s reader. And it was finally published in 2021.

He has made a living as a rent collector, making sound effects for BBC Radio, as a Tax Inspector and occasional actor. He writes regular theatre reviews for StageTalk Magazine and Bristol 24/7 and is director of the long established Hotwells Pantomime. He enjoys hanging around in graveyards, which might come in handy one day.

Bryan has a book deal with SpellBound Books and An Old Tin Can is the first in a new black comedy crime series. It features a Jewish detective investigating serial killings in Northern Ireland during the Troubles. Publication is 30 May 2024, and Harry and The Squad will appear in Dead On scheduled for 2025 and Never A Happy Ending which is still in the planning stage.

He lives in Bristol with his wife and has two children in their twenties.

Other Awards

Nominated for CrimeFest 2022 Last Laugh Award

Nominated for CrimeFest 2022 Debut Novel Award

Books by Bryan J Mason

  • An Old Tin Can An Old Tin Can


  • Shaking Hands with the Devil Shaking Hands with the Devil

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