The Crime Readers' Association

Sabina ManeaSabina Manea

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Sabina Manea was born in Romania and grew up in the South of England. From the moment she picked up her first Agatha Christie novel as a teenager, she was hooked, and a passionate love affair with murder mysteries was born. After years in corporate law, Sabina finally plucked up the courage to follow her childhood dream and write the kind of crime fiction she would love to read – fun, classic style whodunnits in contemporary settings.

Sabina is currently writing a series of mysteries set in North London and featuring ex-lawyer turned detective Lucia Steer, a very modern heroine with a flair for trouble and eagle eyes that knock spots off Kentish Town CID.

Books by Sabina Manea

  • Murder in Kentish Town Murder in Kentish Town


  • Murder in Primrose Hill Murder in Primrose Hill


  • Murder in Hampstead Murder in Hampstead


  • Murder on the Heath Murder on the Heath


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