The Crime Readers' Association

Camilla MacPhersonCamilla MacPherson

Sub-genre: , ,

Camilla Macpherson is a previous winner of the CWA Margery Allingham short story prize. She currently writes full-length historical crime fiction, and crime and thriller short stories.

Her first novel, Pictures at an Exhibition, was published by Random House and has since been translated into Dutch and German.

Her favourite things are detective fiction, cycling, history and cream teas. She lives with her husband, daughter and two guinea pigs.

Other Awards

  • Winner, Plaza Awards 2023 (short story)
  • Longlist, Exeter Novel Award 2022
  • Shortlist, Bridport Prize 2021 (short story)
  • Third prize, Fish Publishing 2019 (short story)
  • Second prize, Wundor short fiction competition, 2018 (novella)
  • Quarter-finalist, Amazon/Penguin Breakthrough Novel Award 2009
  • Finalist, Daily Mail First Novel Award 2008


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