The Crime Readers' Association

Paul A. FreemanPaul A. Freeman

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Paul A. Freeman is currently (2024) looking for an agent and, or publisher, to represent the trilogy of crime novels he wrote in Saudi Arabia during the low-level insurgency in the early 2000s. From a unique perspective, his Maddox trilogy delves into bootlegger turf wars, Saudi women avenging themselves against the men who make their lives hell, and terrorists with an alternative agenda who are attempting to overthrow the Saudi monarchy.

Paul is the author of Rumours of Ophir, a crime novel which was taught at ‘O’ level in Zimbabwean high schools and has been translated into German.

In addition to having two novels, a children’s book and an 18,000-word narrative poem (Robin Hood and Friar Tuck: Zombie Killers!) commercially published, Paul is the author of scores of published short stories, poems and articles.

He is a member of the Society of Authors and has appeared several times in the CWA’s annual anthology.

He resides in Mauritania.

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