The Crime Readers' Association

Fiona Forsyth

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I studied Classics at Somerville College, Oxford, before teaching for 25 years at The Manchester Grammar School.

When I moved to the Middle East with my family, I started to write novels set in Ancient Rome, mainly to answer all those questions which arose over the years of study!

In Poetic Justice I follow the adventures of the Roman poet Ovid when he is sent into exile. It follows on an idea I had when I discovered that the real Ovid might actually have been involved in the law and order of Ancient Rome.

The Lucius Sestius series follows the life of a Roman caught up in the turmoil of civil war. Based on a real person, Lucius Sestius Quirinalis, who lived in the first century BCE, my Lucius proves to be a reluctant hero forced to unravel the motives and machinations behind  the dirty politics of Julius Caesar and the first Emperor, Augustus.


Books by Fiona Forsyth

  • Poetic Justice Poetic Justice


  • Blood and Shadows Blood and Shadows


  • Rome’s End Rome’s End


  • The Emperor’s Servant The Emperor’s Servant


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