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Sub-genre: Historical, Procedural
Jürgen Ehlers has worked as an ice-age geologist. He has published numerous scientific articles and several textbooks including such titles as ‘The Morphodynamics of the Wadden Sea’ and ‘Quaternary Geology’.
In 1992 Jürgen Ehlers published his first crime story ‘Flucht’ (Escape). Since then numerous other short stories have come out in anthologies and journals. For his story ‘Weltspartag in Hamminkeln’ (World Savings Day in Hamminkeln) Jürgen Ehlers was awarded the prestigious Friedrich Glauser Prize. More recently he specialised in writing historical crime novels, the latest of which, a series of three volumes (‘Tod von oben’, ‘Im dunklen Nebel’, Durch die kalte Nacht’), is set in The Netherlands in 1941-45. In 2021 ‘Bullenhuser Damm School – Place of Execution’ appeared, a graphic novel about the murder of 20 Jewish children in Hamburg.
Jürgen Ehlers is a member of the ‘Syndikat’ and the ‘Crime Writers’ Association’. He lives with his family in Witzeeze, near Hamburg.
Friedrich Glauser Prize
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