The Crime Readers' Association

Kia AbdullahKia Abdullah


Kia Abdullah is an author and travel writer from London. Her novel Take It Back (HarperCollins, 2019) was named a thriller of the year by The Guardian and Telegraph and was selected for an industry-first audio serialisation by HarperCollins and The Pigeonhole. The follow-up, Truth Be Told (HarperCollins, 2020), was chosen for multi-million selling author Adele Parks’ Book Club.

Kia has written for The New York Times, The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Times and The Bookseller, and is the founder of Asian Booklist, a nonprofit organisation that helps readers discover new books by British-Asian authors.

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Other Awards

JB Priestley Award for Writers of Promise (2020, The Royal Literary Fund)

Books by Kia Abdullah

  • Take It Back Take It Back

    Hive Amazon

  • Truth Be Told Truth Be Told

    Hive Amazon

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