The Crime Readers' Association

Yvonne WalusYvonne Walus

Sub-genre: , , , , , , , ,

You won’t believe this, but when I’m not a novelist I’m actually a Doctor of Mathematics. A business and data analyst. A wife and a mother. Most of all though – I am a writer (in several languages) hoping to change the world one book at a time.

My heritage is inter-continental. I was born and raised in Poland. When I was twelve, my family and I emigrated to South Africa. Your teenage years are usually your formative years, so it’s no surprise I consider South Africa my second homeland. For the past twenty years, I’ve lived in New Zealand, and people ‘back home’ tell me I’ve become a real Kiwi.

Crime fiction is my passion. My childhood hero was, predictably, Hercule Poirot. I’ve changed my mind several times since, and for a time I was totally into Harlan Coben’s super-rich super-able Win (Windsor Horne Lockwood), but my current favourite is Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch… I mean, Sherlock Holmes.

Books by Yvonne Walus

  • The Wrong Girl


  • Short of Crime Short of Crime


  • Murder@Play Murder@Play


  • Operation: Genocide Operation: Genocide


  • Serial Wives Serial Wives


  • Murder@Work Murder@Work


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